the beginning.[/font]

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No New Posts information - 1 Viewing

welcome to santa monica, california baby! home of glorious beaches, warm and sunny skies, and all of the gossip and drama that comes with teenagers. the rules, main plot, and other important things that you, according to the admins, need to know.

Moderators: ashley shaine avery, annabel clarisse murphy, sophia marie harrington

by wlc123456
Feb 28, 2013 0:16:19 GMT -5
No New Posts newsletter

when we, the admins, have some info that we want you to know, all the things like activity checks and looking for staff will go here. so, guess what? if there's a new board here, read it please.

by sophia marie harrington
Mar 3, 2010 15:33:01 GMT -5
No New Posts staff board.

cause we're special. and you're not. XD

1 35

the creation.[/font]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts wanted

want someone to play some character that you need for a plot you have in your head? yeah, post that here. sibling and lovers are common wanted ads, so if you're a new member or wanna make a new character, please check here to see if you can help someone else out. haha, well, all of our plotting will go here too. mmkay? kay.

22 222 tory burch
by wlc123456
Nov 16, 2012 2:50:38 GMT -5
No New Posts character information

all of that important stuff like claims and the application template will go here. kay? don't forget about the claims, thoughh.

4 7 the canons.
by sophia marie harrington
Jan 21, 2010 5:49:23 GMT -5
No New Posts creation

post your FINISHED application here. no unfinished ones, kay? we don't like things going up undone. post it unfinished and it's deleted. sorry. anyhow, post the application as a new topic LAST NAME, first middle. It keeps things nice and pretty,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts the filing cabinet - 1 Viewing

all of the characters are sorted here, alphabetized. don't steal ideas. it pisses us off, and really? that's just cruel. you can get some inspiration. copy, and you're banned from the site.

37 73 CROSS, cory neil
by sophia marie harrington
Mar 3, 2010 15:11:05 GMT -5

the electronics.[/font]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts cell phones - 1 Viewing

everyone's got a cell phone. texting is a phenomenon, practically everyone texts, and sexting is a new famous way to have some fun. start up your thread, and keep in touch.

7 23 [ we're C O N C E N T R A T E D* ]
by abigale charis williams
Jan 31, 2010 1:01:05 GMT -5
No New Posts relationships

keep track of your 'ships here, cause we all like to be organized. post a thread for your character, and yeah. all that good stuff.

8 29 Making damn sure
by sophia marie harrington
Mar 4, 2010 10:43:00 GMT -5
No New Posts thread tracker

some of us - like court - need to know what threads that they're in because they just have too many. or, you want an easy place for everyone to see everything for your character. but, these are another one of those things that make life a little bit easier in the long run. it's also where ya advertise your open threads.

2 4 lights out, and she still shines *
by annabel clarisse murphy
Feb 8, 2010 20:06:35 GMT -5
No New Posts instant messenger

takes place on the computer. people get online and talk, make plans. you know you wanna see who ya can talk to. they won't bite. well, most of em won't, anyways. unless you're into that sorta thing. (; 'nuff said. biting's a no-no, anyhow.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts twitter

everyone's tweeting now. twitter has hit america up with a storm of a new way to stalk. or, share with the world what you're up to. whatever. the truth is, everybody's doin' it. so get with the times, and sign up.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts facebook

it's a new addiction. facebook takes you away from homework, and provides you with information, socialization, stalking, and games. who wouldn't sign up?

3 9
by annabel clarisse murphy
Feb 22, 2010 18:28:37 GMT -5

the massacre.[/font]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts plots are love

okay, we all need to figure out what happened, who your charrie was with and all of that. here's where you do it. enjoy, m'dears.

8 25 Oh snap what just happend. ?
by cory neil cross
Mar 8, 2010 17:41:10 GMT -5
No New Posts in the school

the school is the main scene of the crime - where was your character when hell ensued? were they held hostage? did they get away easy? were they shot, or wounded in some other way? this is where the action initially went down, tell us your part.

3 11 she's screaming , [ LIZ & ABBI ]
by annabel clarisse murphy
Feb 27, 2010 16:07:00 GMT -5
No New Posts just outside - 1 Viewing

police, ambulances, and other members of the force are just outside... panicked parents and fellow students are waiting for word, clinging to those they love the most. play your part,

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts at the hospital

doctors are hard at work, trying to keep those who were injured alive and well enough, considering the circumstances.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

concord highschool.[/b]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the main hallway

this is where the main entrance of the school is. it has an elegant look - marble flooring and french glass doors leading you into the halls. everything's in tip-top shape, top of the line and gorgeous. the lockers line the halls to the right, and the gym is down on the left.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts first floor

all of those classes you want to skip (history, math, science, english) are all on the first floor, for whatever reason. thankfully, it isn't too hard to skip out. not like we advise it, or anything.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts second floor - 1 Viewing

all of the more entertaining classes are here. elective classes. the classes that you wanted to take. well, foreign language is required and on the second floor, but oh well. better then text books, right? study hall is also on the second floor, so enjoy yourself. well, not too much. it's still school.

1 11 L O S T (damien)
by brent lucas dash
Mar 2, 2010 8:49:27 GMT -5
No New Posts the quad

out behind the school, before the football field, is the quad. courtyard, if you will. there's a few benches and picnic tables, plenty of foliage to provide shade. it's a pretty good place to hang out, in any weather. even winter. california, remember? over 300 days of sunshine a year? yeah. enjoy that weather.

by adam lee roberts
Feb 28, 2010 4:20:30 GMT -5
No New Posts sports fields

everyone's in a sport. well, except a select few, and this is where it goes down. concord prep has invested into a wonderful football field and soccer field, a track surrounding the football field. cheerleaders cheer on the track during the football games, and come and support the team. play a sport. it helps you get into college.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts dining hall

this is where the food is consumed. everyone needs to eat, some more then others, but it's a fact of life. even if you're anorexic or something, you've gotta put up pretenses. the food isn't bad, so enjoy it. food fights happen. drama happens. all of the normal stuff.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts dorms

if you live on campus, then this is where you live. the dorms are good sized dorms, and can be upgrades and designed as the people in the room please. Each room has a gender - no coed, sorry. but your room could easily be placed next to an opposite gender, as it just goes by room not by hall. the dorms are a separate building then the school, just off the to side. it has six levels to accommodate the large student body.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

santa monica, california[/b][/font]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts santa monica beach

everyone loves the beach, especially cali, and most definitly santa monica. santa monica is known as the beach that never sleeps - many people from all over california visit here. the beach is lots of fun - everyone loves it. girls in bikinis, children playing in the sand, couples walking along the beach are all very common. the water's clear and blue, the breeze warm. it's perfect for a relaxing day.

1 20 On the Beach. (Open?)
by sophia marie harrington
Mar 12, 2010 9:49:32 GMT -5
No New Posts the pier

the pier is a popular place to hang out, as it has pacific park, an amusement park with a large ferris wheel and festival rides. a carousel from the 20s, an aquarium, an arcade, trapeze school, a pub, shops, and places for you to eat. it's a famous place, really. it was built in the 1920s, but it's still sturdy and beautiful. it's a great place to have some fun and loosen up.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts third street promenade - 1 Viewing

third street promenade is the main shopping district. it's all outdoors, well other then the stores themselves. it stretches over three blocks, between wilshire blvd. and broadway. the streets are all blocked off for the large amounts of pedestrians and the street performers that mare the sidewalks. just enjoy yourself, kay? kay.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts the aero theater - 1 Viewing

this is the main movie theater in santa monica, and one of the oldest. it had opened in the 1920s, just like the pier. it contains 12 theaters, all in perfect condition, with all the latest tech and tricks. teen couples often get busy here (like all theaters,), and friends come to just hang out. it's not pricey, and the popcorn is well known for being the best.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts palisades park

this park is absolutely stunning. photographers take their photos, it's a place where you always see happy couples, and may even witness an engagement. picnics and strolls are all common sights, just don't fall off the cliff. there may be water down there, but it'll hurt like a bitch, and to put if frankly, you'll find your ass six feet under. and no, i'm not talking under the stars. under the ground, more like.

1 9 Take Me Away
by brent lucas dash
Mar 1, 2010 22:27:59 GMT -5
No New Posts residential homes

this is where all those students who don't live in the dorm would live here. some houses are right on the water, but most of them are normal suburban homes, then some apartments that are closer inland. it really doesn't matter where it is - it's home.

5 36 I want your babies, / BRENT
by brent lucas dash
Mar 13, 2010 10:55:10 GMT -5
No New Posts santa monica airport - 1 Viewing

it may not be large or international, but it'll get you where you want to go. it'll fly you to a larger airport to get out of the united states if need be, and it has a good reputation, winning awards for aviation accomplishments. whatever that is. but it must be kinda cool, right? whatever. it'll get you a first class ticket out of town, so enjoy yourself.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts st. john's hospital

the hospital is large, well, large enough. it's medically advanced, but has some serious competition. ucla santa monica hospital is just on the other side of the city. that doesn't really matter though, as the wonderful doctors and nurses at st. john's will treat you for whatever you need, and provide service with a smile.

1 6 By the way, I made it through the day/ANNA
by annabel clarisse murphy
Feb 21, 2010 20:37:11 GMT -5

the fun stuff.[/font][/b]

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the graveyard

it's the place where all threads grow old and die. think of it as a cemetery, minus the stink and creepiness. all old notices, threads and stuff like that are here. if you've found one of your threads here that you want and it's within three days of the moving, please pm an admin and they'll move it out for you.

48 249 Music's in my Soul {OpeN}
by christine jocelyn moore
Feb 21, 2010 13:43:55 GMT -5
No New Posts games

waiting for a reply? bored? want to up your post count? post a game here, or post in a game to play one! they're fun, pointless and pass time--and you can also play in character!

11 133 STALKER
by cory neil cross
Mar 8, 2010 17:46:25 GMT -5
No New Posts meet the rper

ever wanted to know the faces behind the character? well, here's where you can find out! post up a thread all about you. please refrain for person information (i.e, where you live, your last name, school, etc). you can even post a picture (if you're comfortable)!

12 72 Im the man behind Cory
by cory neil cross
Mar 5, 2010 16:09:37 GMT -5
No New Posts chat room

really, this is just a random place that the staff decided to give to you members. there's a staff board, so their should be a chat board! please make sure to stick to pg-13 and make sure that everything in here adheres to the rules. happy spamming!

by eleanor sarah walker
Feb 11, 2010 16:44:16 GMT -5
No New Posts vacations

it's very frusterating when someone going awol. so the staff are asking you to kindly announce when you'll be gone--we won't be depressed that way! you don't have to go into detail, just tell us when you're leaving and when you'll be back. it makes everyone's lives easier!

2 2 Gone For A bit
by brent lucas dash
Feb 21, 2010 19:46:35 GMT -5
No New Posts suggestions

this is where you, the members, can tell us, the admins, what you think should happen on the site. want a specific board to happen? post here. want to host an event? post here! it's just a quick and easy way to tell us what you want. if we like it, it'll happen. if we don't, we'll work out the kinks. thanks!

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts plug board - 1 Viewing

please post here and only here for advertising of any kind. only one thread per site, and the admin must post it. we accept invision free and proboards, and this board is wonderfully guest friendly.

Sub-boards: first time., link back.

123 123 Shades of Vertigo - A Soul Eater RP
by SoV
Jun 10, 2012 19:21:18 GMT -5


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